Monday, September 19, 2011

Bear was a part of our family for 9 years. He protectd us and would do anything for us. We then got another?

Dog and Bear was upset, we put the 2 together and for a month things were fine but then bear started to act vicious and bite the other dog. He bit 5 ppl in the last 9 years and we couldnt take hime for walks or even let him lose. He was not fixed and ever since he was about 2 years old he was stuck on a chain for years after.. Monday we as a family made a horriable descision to have him out to sleep for no reason at all. except thinkin that he was going crazy or gonna hurt a family member, which in my heart I no he wouldnt of done such a thing.. I feel guilty and cannot get over the fact that I made such a bad choice to have him put down. I continue to replay the day in my mind and wish i hadnt done what I did. How do I get through this hard time. Would like feedback.. Thank you... %26quot;Wishing I could change back the time%26quot;Bear was a part of our family for 9 years. He protectd us and would do anything for us. We then got another?Don't tear yourself up with guilt. It serves no purpose, it won't bring Bear back and it just makes you feel worse and worse. The only thing you can do in a situation like this is to remember this and promise Bear that you will do better by every other dog you have in the future.

I've had a couple of similar situations. My first pup I got when I was 22 died of distemper because I didn't get her shots. Since then I've made sure that I kept up on all my dogs shots.

In your case it sounds like you need to train your future dogs better so they don't have these behavioral problems. Honestly I'm not sure getting the second dog had anything much to do with it. Learn about dog training and how a poorly trained dog acts so that you can do better by your next pet. Promise Bear and he'll understand.Bear was a part of our family for 9 years. He protectd us and would do anything for us. We then got another?I know your families decision was hard, but the dog did not have any kind of life if he was on a chain and everyone was afraid of him. If he bit 5 people in the course of 9 years, that is a lot and it's a miracle that animal control did not seize him. Please try to do better by your new dog than the family did with Bear.