I was interviewing a few African-American men and asked them why it seems that blacks are supporting Obama due to his race. One of them had an interesting answer to the effect of the following:
%26quot;Do you know why so many Blacks take offense to the (N) word? It's b/c it's true. People always get mad when they hear the ugly truth of the matter. We didn't always get upset when we heard that word, we weren't always called that. You see, there was a time when we actually came from somewhere and we new who we were. Just like an Italian-American or a Chinese-American. Then as chattel bond servitude became slavery (mid 1600s), we became lower class. When slavery ended we held political office, but we were chased out by terrorist groups like the klan. After that, we were always second class citizens; inferior to all (including the despised Irish). We got used to it and eventually hardly remembered where we came from in the first place. All we new was that (N) word.
We'd fought in all of the great wars, but TO THIS DAY, you'll see little mention of us in any movies or documentaries in the segregated militaries of the 1940s.
One day, a man named King talked about a dream where everyone could be together and be judged on their character. Poeple thought it was BS, but slowly it came to be reality.
A lot of black guys still believe they are the (N) word. That's why you hear it so much. Those guys wear lots of gold and drive fancy cars all to prove to themselves that they aren't what they think they are; which is inferior.
Now there's this guy that's doing what few blacks thought possible. Saying things about Americans uniting as one nation. That's what we've wanted all along. At first we thought Obama was naive, but then we took a closer look and have dared to hope.
I asked what about the other issues of this country?
He then stated:
%26quot;We wouldn't vote for any black guy that came along. Few if anyone like the conservative black candidates. Obama is standing for us and everyone else being united. His platforms resonates with many Americans. I don't want a guy who I think would reck the economy or ruin the standing of the US throughout the world; that's why I never voted for Bush. I guess I know that there are many blacks who would love to call this country their own, but know that they are looked at as lazy, un-American (N)s. They want to fight for this country, worship God with the rest of the country, work for the progress of the US w/out being seen as (those people). The founding fathers to me are the ones that owned all of the slaves. Blacks have wanted change for a long time. Electing Obama won't end racism, but it would go a long way toward showing the world that blacks are NOT inferior. That gold chains, fancy cars and the (N) word are not needed anymore. When we fight for this country, we can feel like we are really fighting for our country too! That we can make it just like anyone else. We don't have to beg for welfare when we can be President. Not when we can be anything. You can tell me that Obama is a communist, socialist, terrorist, racist, or anything else. Go ahead and tell me whatever story you want about why I should look at life in a different way and how I should get over the past, but if at the end of your story, my people are going to disproportionately make up the lower class just as they have since slavery, I'll stop trusting you as I have lost trust in everyone else who's tried to sell me those lines for years.
Here's one guy doing what almost no one in history ever thought possible, and he's not doing it himself. Millions of Americans of all races are standing behind him indicating that times have truly changed. I can go to those guys down the street and tell them to stop saying the (N) word and show them proof that they are anything but inferior. These politics would make a difference in the lives of my kids and their kids.%26quot;
Is this how many Black people feel about Obama?
Agree/Disagree?What does the election of Obama mean to black people?Heres a question for you?
OK Mr. Wordy I'm american indian and i don't call my self names cuz I feel slighted! my Question to you is?
if obama becomes president
will it be ok for me to say a word I was taught not to say
if he uses it in his speeches?
and mr wordy its not easy no matter who you are in america when your in poverty
and just because people feel bad about themselves why? is that my fault?
I feel pretty bad to sometimes.
takecareWhat does the election of Obama mean to black people?It means that they don't care about the issues. They just want a black person in the White House regardless of how much he will destroy America.What does the election of Obama mean to black people?listen to this, it's eye opening.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5p3OB6roWhat does the election of Obama mean to black people?I heard a African American guy on the radio say that when he was growing up, they said there were only two things a Black person couldn't be: 1) a white person and, 2) President of the United States.
He said that Michael Jackson proved the first one wrong and now Barack Obama was going to prove the second wrong.
;-)What does the election of Obama mean to black people?I don't know. As I'm not Black, I wouldn't presume to know or to answer for them. I could take some educated guesses, which of course would be filtered through my eyes and life experience. I wasn't going to post at all until seeing the parade of ignorance hijacking your thread. But take heart... It's only one more day! :o)What does the election of Obama mean to black people?I can't say all African Americans feel this way about Obama, but for me as a African American I definitely agree with his comments. It's an exciting time for people of color, including Caucasians. I'm 23 years old and I have to admit I've never seen anyone promote such unity within their campaign. You can see it at Obama's rallies, and you saw it at the Democratic Convention. People were joyous, and it was a great feeling. If Barack Obama doesn't win the election tomorrow, I will be content with knowing that ANYONE can have the opportunity to become president. I know racism still lingers, but to have the first African American nominee for president has shown that the U.S. is making some strides to move past inequality and prejudice, even though some people aren't ready for this change.What does the election of Obama mean to black people?well i think they just want a black president i live in a town of about 75%black ppl and the rest white and hispanic and in every black persons yard is and obama sign which really pisses me off because they dont care about his changes thats all a bunch a bullshit hes a muslim and were settin here in a war fightin muslems this country is goin crazy and one of my friends said in the bible near the end of the world thang theres gonna be an anti christ thats over 40 years old and speaks of change so kinda creeps me out and wat if this man does somethin wrong after he becomes president just think how stupid these ppl will feel that voted for him. sorry bout the misspells