Monday, October 24, 2011

What does the election of Obama mean to black people?

I was interviewing a few African-American men and asked them why it seems that blacks are supporting Obama due to his race. One of them had an interesting answer to the effect of the following:

%26quot;Do you know why so many Blacks take offense to the (N) word? It's b/c it's true. People always get mad when they hear the ugly truth of the matter. We didn't always get upset when we heard that word, we weren't always called that. You see, there was a time when we actually came from somewhere and we new who we were. Just like an Italian-American or a Chinese-American. Then as chattel bond servitude became slavery (mid 1600s), we became lower class. When slavery ended we held political office, but we were chased out by terrorist groups like the klan. After that, we were always second class citizens; inferior to all (including the despised Irish). We got used to it and eventually hardly remembered where we came from in the first place. All we new was that (N) word.

We'd fought in all of the great wars, but TO THIS DAY, you'll see little mention of us in any movies or documentaries in the segregated militaries of the 1940s.

One day, a man named King talked about a dream where everyone could be together and be judged on their character. Poeple thought it was BS, but slowly it came to be reality.

A lot of black guys still believe they are the (N) word. That's why you hear it so much. Those guys wear lots of gold and drive fancy cars all to prove to themselves that they aren't what they think they are; which is inferior.

Now there's this guy that's doing what few blacks thought possible. Saying things about Americans uniting as one nation. That's what we've wanted all along. At first we thought Obama was naive, but then we took a closer look and have dared to hope.

I asked what about the other issues of this country?

He then stated:

%26quot;We wouldn't vote for any black guy that came along. Few if anyone like the conservative black candidates. Obama is standing for us and everyone else being united. His platforms resonates with many Americans. I don't want a guy who I think would reck the economy or ruin the standing of the US throughout the world; that's why I never voted for Bush. I guess I know that there are many blacks who would love to call this country their own, but know that they are looked at as lazy, un-American (N)s. They want to fight for this country, worship God with the rest of the country, work for the progress of the US w/out being seen as (those people). The founding fathers to me are the ones that owned all of the slaves. Blacks have wanted change for a long time. Electing Obama won't end racism, but it would go a long way toward showing the world that blacks are NOT inferior. That gold chains, fancy cars and the (N) word are not needed anymore. When we fight for this country, we can feel like we are really fighting for our country too! That we can make it just like anyone else. We don't have to beg for welfare when we can be President. Not when we can be anything. You can tell me that Obama is a communist, socialist, terrorist, racist, or anything else. Go ahead and tell me whatever story you want about why I should look at life in a different way and how I should get over the past, but if at the end of your story, my people are going to disproportionately make up the lower class just as they have since slavery, I'll stop trusting you as I have lost trust in everyone else who's tried to sell me those lines for years.

Here's one guy doing what almost no one in history ever thought possible, and he's not doing it himself. Millions of Americans of all races are standing behind him indicating that times have truly changed. I can go to those guys down the street and tell them to stop saying the (N) word and show them proof that they are anything but inferior. These politics would make a difference in the lives of my kids and their kids.%26quot;

Is this how many Black people feel about Obama?

Agree/Disagree?What does the election of Obama mean to black people?I liked the black mans story, he sound like he new his stuff that story was strong and had power and truth in hisstory-wewe white people need to do our part to help our black brothers and make Friends some whites are still stubborn we need to unite with them let them be our own people%26amp;we can be there people we can be Friends and work, and go fishing,, camping all night and have fires and drink coffee sing songs and live the old country life. When i see a black man I just see the man and he wants to love people and be happy an just be one of us just fit in and be like my brother, and im just a white boy- and I like black folksI growed up in east texas playin games with the black kids, played in the woods and had fun too i like black families that sing about jesus in the country and fire up the old smokers and cook the best food you ever tasted I like them and want to fit in some of those blacks are very fine loyal people and hard workers and had better morals than a lot of whites i lived withI respected those black men it was in 1992 Sanjacinto County outside huntsville Texas One black freind i remember was aman named Bill Ray White- I will never forget him he saved my life .Ithink if handled rite it could bring some good. The blacks also need to know all white are differentsome are still racial which is somthing i dont understand You just overlook the bad whites and dont act out just ignore them ask them to go to church or somthing , the bad whites just want a reaction out of you, you dont give them one just stand tall with your shoulderes squareYou remember some of us whites are good folks and would take you in if we could. Your ancestors climbed out of Noas ark the same day mine did you my brother and I love you. I hop Obama will bring peace once and for all between our races I need good solid freinds that will stand for whats rite Oklahoma

Royce Willard Blacks and whites can love and work as one and help each other first off we got to go fishin then go to church

Royce willard

Milburn OklahomaWhat does the election of Obama mean to black people?i like cookies and glueWhat does the election of Obama mean to black people?Payback time for whitey! LMAO!!!What does the election of Obama mean to black people?I would think this is the way many black people feelWhat does the election of Obama mean to black people?It just mean's if the gun goes Bana or just Bana.

or Bamma.Or Bamma Bamma BammaWhat does the election of Obama mean to black people?i kind of do feel this wayWhat does the election of Obama mean to black people?I know some Black people who feel as though many Americans are racist against him, but most don't seem to think it's a big deal that he could be our President.What does the election of Obama mean to black people?It simple they are voting for him because he is the best candidate as are Hispanics like me and whites lk my boyfriendWhat does the election of Obama mean to black people?FREE MONEY!What does the election of Obama mean to black people?Finally getting even with Whitey! It hasn't felt so good since OJ was aquitted. Hopefully, Barack Hussein will pardon OJ and make him secretary of knife attacks. What does the election of Obama mean to black people?I Agree =]

Thanks for posting this QuestionWhat does the election of Obama mean to black people?I believe there are Black people who truly feel this way about Obama, and I hope they are correct.

When JFK was running for President, I vowed not to vote for him -- not because he was a bad person, but because he was Catholic and because he was I did not want to risk him doing anything to insult Catholics for all eternity.

I am a Catholic!

We all know the history of JFK, good and bad.What does the election of Obama mean to black people?i feel there are a great many blacks who feel it is their time to TAKE what whitey has. (with out working for it) i had a black friend in the military who told me %26quot;there are blacks and there ni***rs, and the ni***r will let you know who he is in short order.%26quot; i think if this happens there wil be big problems, and i hope cool heads prevail, for every ones sake. some people riot when they're angry or happy. bad pie.What does the election of Obama mean to black people?%26quot;At last we will have revenge.%26quot;